Bookkeeping 10 15: Favorable versus Unfavorable Variances Business LibreTexts

10 15: Favorable versus Unfavorable Variances Business LibreTexts

For example, when actual expenses are lower than projected expenses, the variance is favorable. Likewise, if actual revenues are higher than expected, the variance is favorable. Unfavorable budget variances are deviations from the budgeted amounts that have a negative effect on your company. Put plainly, budget variances are any difference between an actual amount and a planned or budgeted amount. This could refer to material or labor cost variance, or alternatively any sales price variance or any other budgeted line item variance. Variance analysis helps to uncover reasons behind any failure and to identify trends for success.

  • But it’s important to understand what’s causing the variance(s) no matter whether they’re good or bad for your company.
  • Suppose a company expected to pay $9 a pound for 100 pounds of raw material but was able to contract a price of $7 a pound.
  • Say you have the following numbers and you want to analyze budget variance.
  • Business owners are inclined to focus on expenses because you can control them.
  • But at times, an organization may experience certain variances from its original budget plans.

You can calculate your budget variances by subtracting the budgeted amount from the actual expenses. Then divide that number by the original budgeted amount and multiply by 100 to get the percentage of your variance. A budget variance analysis is like a post-mortem on a road trip. In business, real-world events might lead to variances even with the most meticulously planned budget. Need help understanding your budget variances or the difference between a balance sheet vs P&L or cash flow forecasts?


But a favorable variance does not necessarily indicate that all business conditions are in an organization’s favor. Conversely, if adherence to budgeted expectations is not rigorously enforced by management, then the reporting of an unfavorable variance may trigger no action at all. This is particularly likely when the budget is used only as a general guideline. The purchasing staff sets a standard purchase price for a widget of $2.00 per unit, which it can only attain if the company buys in volumes of 10,000 units. A separate initiative to reduce inventory levels calls for purchases in quantities of 1,000 units. At the lower volume level, the company can only buy widgets at $3.00 per unit.

An unfavorable budget variance can also indicate that you are facing challenges or inefficiencies with your marketing activities. Ultimately, budget variances are a starting point for you to conduct a deeper cash flow analysis. Look at all the factors that affect your costs and examine the ROI your expenses are generating. Most importantly, do not assume that favorable variances are automatically good or that unfavorable variances are bad.

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The term is most often used in conjunction with a negative scenario. An example is when a company fails to accurately budget for their expenses – either for a given project or for total quarterly or annual expenses. (The negative variance can also sometimes refer to a discrepancy in budgeting for assets and liabilities). waves version 9 With less revenue and higher expenses, your budget will be seriously impacted. At this point, it might be a good idea to create a revised budget that accurately reflects the increased costs and lower revenues. Your budget variances can provide a lot of valuable insight into preparing your next budget.

The first step is to calculate the variance for each line item. But if your project ends up costing $28k (40% higher than expected), then you may want to dig deeper and figure out what caused the difference. Overperformance variance can be a sign of a competitive advantage that you can capitalize on, and underperformance tells you where you need to improve your operations. Variance caused by shifts in the business environment is mostly out of your control.


Whether the amount you calculate is positive or negative doesn’t matter as much, since favorability depends on the line item. Ultimately, your budget is made up of guesses about what will happen in the future. That means there’s bound to be some difference between your budget and actual performance. For instance, drastically overestimating your income may lead to overspending, which can drain your cash reserves. This can be especially damaging to startups and small businesses with limited resources.

What Is Unfavorable Variance?

Budget variance is the difference between expenses and revenue in your financial budget and the actual costs. Take the time to create a budget based on facts and past performance, and resist the urge to be too optimistic (or pessimistic) about the numbers. Use those budget variances to create a more accurate budget for the coming year. Any accounting software application that includes even basic budgeting will be able to provide you with a budget vs. an actual report.

Unfavorable budget variances (also called negative variances) are indeed a cause for concern, as they have a negative impact on the company’s profitability, cash flow, competitive strength, etc. Thus, favorable and unfavorable variances signify two opposite situations. The below-mentioned points explain the difference between the favorable and unfavorable variances. In general, the intent of an unfavorable variance is to highlight a potential problem that may negatively impact profits, which is then corrected.

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It is also important to know whether or not you’re going to meet your goals. An effective way to track budget variance is to implement either a dynamic spreadsheet just for your company or to use dashboards. To calculate a budget variance, you just subtract the amount spent for each line item. Isolating changes and taking immediate action can make variance analysis a critical part of your operations. Using these analyses of your budget variances to take appropriate actions can help you make better business decisions and save you a lot of money.

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