News The New Era of Business Software and Reporting

The New Era of Business Software and Reporting

If you hear the words “business software” and “reporting,” binders full of charts, spreadsheets, and footnotes may come to mind. Or maybe conference rooms packed with executives slogging through slide presentations. What’s missing is the potential for creating value for businesses.

It’s changing, due to a variety of digital technologies that are collaborating to reshape the future of reporting. Machine learning and cognitive technology will perform a lot of the gruntwork of gathering data, creating reports, and distributing them. This will free human workers to do more interesting tasks.

Utilization-based pricing is another method to help teams to make use of current data faster and more efficiently. By reducing the cost of data access it helps companies to determine the value of their investment, enabling them to quickly ramp up usage and scale their efforts.

Software companies must rethink their fundamentals for creating distribution, charging, and selling for their products if it is their intention to win in the Age of Connected Work. In the new era, the winners will redefine what it means to be a company that is product-driven in the most literal sense of the word. They’ll utilize their products to increase the acquisition of customers, retention and expansion. This will require a renewed determination to focus on the tactical and to expand their “as-a-service” offerings beyond membership rates. It will also require incorporating PLG into how they build and distribute their products. To remain ahead of the pack companies must create a robust ecosystem that includes strategy, stewardship and architecture, as well as management, to harness data.

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