News How to Have a Great Board Meeting

How to Have a Great Board Meeting

There is no doubt that managing a board meeting can be an exhausting and frustrating job. If your meetings lack structure, focus or energy, it could cost you in the form of missed opportunities and loss of productivity. There are a few simple steps you can do to ensure your directors are actively engaged and actively participating in a successful board meeting.

At least once per year, Evaluate Your Meetings

Collecting feedback is one of the best methods to improve meetings. After a few meetings and discussions, ask your board members to take two sticky notes and write “+” on the parts that were successful and “-” on areas that could be improved. Then, ask them to put notes on a poster which they can display on the door of the meeting for everyone to discern what needs to be modified.

Control Your Time

Keep your meetings short so that you can have a meaningful discussion and making decisions. Do not be enticed by the idea of including lengthy reports and “have to” items in your agenda. Consider breaking down the extensive information from your guidebook for board members into smaller discussion topics. Also, you can have your directors conduct their own research prior the meeting and bring their own questions to be discussed.

Board meetings are a great opportunity to motivate your team and make them feel excited. Add “mission moments” to the meeting, where the board can hear testimonials and stories about the impact your business has on the lives of its members. This can be a powerful energy booster for your group.

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